Architectural Landmarks in Amsterdam

Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands, is renowned for its rich architectural heritage that spans several centuries and styles. The city's landscape is defined by its iconic canals, historic gabled houses, and innovative contemporary buildings. Notable architectural landmarks include the Rijksmuseum, a masterpiece of Dutch Gothic Revival architecture designed by Pierre Cuypers and completed in 1885 and the contemporary Hilton Amsterdam airport designed by the Dutch architectural firm Mecanoo.

Het Scheepvaartmuseum
1656, 2011
17th century
1885, 2013
Amsterdam Centraal
1889, 2014
H&M Bonneterie store
Grand Hotel Amrâth
1913 - 1916
Tuschinski Theatre
A'DAM Toren
1966 - 1971
Van Gogh Museum
1973, 1999
Amsterdam Centre for Architecture
Hilton Amsterdam Airport
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