The mumaps is the Musée de la mécanique d'art et du patrimoine de Sainte-Croix.
It is located inside de former Paillard factory, a company renowned for producing the famous Hermes typewriters and Rolex 16mm film cameras.
mumaps - facade
mumaps - facade
The museum features a large collection of music automatons on the first floor. Definitely take the guided tour to hear some of them !
first floor exhibition of music automatons
first floor exhibition of music automatons
The exhibition on the second floor is dedicated to local history and industry, such as the Thorens company, known for its turntables and Reuge which introduced the Kandahar ski bindings in 1929 and still produces high-end music boxes. L'Ange was created by Francois Junod and Denis Perret-Gentil in 1985.
second floor exhibition
second floor exhibition
L'Ange by Francois Junod and Denis Perret-Gentil, 1985
L'Ange by Francois Junod and Denis Perret-Gentil, 1985
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