Today's Collegium Maius in Poznań was constructed between 1908 and 1910 to plans by German architect Oskar Delius in order to provide office space for the Prussian Settlement Commission. The Königlich Preußische Ansiedlungskommission für Westpreußen und Posen ("Royal Prussian Settlement Commission in the Provinces West Prussia and Posen") was established by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1886 as in instrument in the official policy of Germanization of the Polish lands of West Prussia.
The building's style references Baroque palace architecture and contains a large atrium.

Collegium Maius atrium

Collegium Maius atrium
After 1950, most of the building was used by the Medical University of Poznan and since 2008 it houses the faculty of Polish and Classical Philology of the Adam Mickiewicz University.
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