Paspels is a small village in Grisons with a population of about 500. Schulhaus Paspels ("School building Paspels") was designed by Valerio Olgiati and built between 1996 and 1998. It is used by children age 12 to 15. The square building in exposed concrete received many awards over the years and in 2019, the Grisons Heritage Society included it in the list "52 best buildings - Grisons culture of construction 1950 - 2000" !

Schulhaus Paspels
Each side of the building contains two rows of windows composed of one larger and one smaller window. The inclination of the roof follows the inclination of the field the school is built on.

Schulhaus Paspels - the roof follows the slope of the terrain

Schulhaus Paspels - smaller and larger windows alternate
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