Cäsa Picenoni Cief is located right at the primary village square in Bondo and its history goes back to the 13th century. After a devastating village fire in 1621, it was rebuilt and eight generations of Picenonis used it as their residence.

Cäsa Picenoni Cief

Cäsa Picenoni Cief in the early evening

Cäsa Picenoni Cief

Cäsa Picenoni Cief

Cäsa Picenoni Cief living room

Cäsa Picenoni Cief living room

Cäsa Picenoni Cief table detail

Cäsa Picenoni Cief bathroom

Cäsa Picenoni Cief

Cäsa Picenoni Cief

Cäsa Picenoni Cief master bedroom
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