Geschäftshaus Schibenertor in St. Gallen, also known as "Union-Gebäude", was constructed in 1950/1951 to plans by Ernest Brantschen and Ernst Hänny senior and junior, replacing three smaller commercial buildings. It contains a fascinating spiral staircase.

Geschäftshaus Schibenertor - staircase
Since 1995, the building also contains an art installation by Roman Signer in which water drops from a kayak across the building to a small pond at the ground level.

Geschäftshaus Schibenertor - Roman Signer art installation

Geschäftshaus Schibenertor - Roman Signer art installation

Geschäftshaus Schibenertor - Roman Signer art installation

Geschäftshaus Schibenertor - Roman Signer art installation