Designed by Charles Garnier, Opéra Garnier was built for the Paris Opera between 1861 and 1875. Due to its opulence it is also frequently referred to as the Palais Garnier.
 The auditorium can seat 1979 and the stage is the largest in Europe.
Opera Garnier - Auditorium
Opera Garnier - Auditorium
Opera Garnier - Auditorium
Opera Garnier - Auditorium
In 1964, a new ceiling painting by Marc Chagall was installed above the chandelier since the original by Eugène Lenepveu had been damaged by the gaz chandelier used in the early days of the opera house.
Opera Garnier - ceiling painting by Marc Chagall
Opera Garnier - ceiling painting by Marc Chagall
The decorative writing at the center of the “Rotonde des abonnés”'s ceiling contains the name of the architect and the years of contruction.
Opera Garnier - Rotonde des abonnes
Opera Garnier - Rotonde des abonnes
Grand escalier
Opera Garnier - Grand escalier
Opera Garnier - Grand escalier
Opera Garnier - Grand escalier
Opera Garnier - Grand escalier
Opera Garnier - Grand escalier
Opera Garnier - Grand escalier
The Grand Foyer is 18m high and 54m long.
Opera Garnier - Grand Foyer
Opera Garnier - Grand Foyer
Opera Garnier - Grand Foyer
Opera Garnier - Grand Foyer
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