The 8 stories high Ulysses building is the result of a competition won in 1987 by the architect Aurelio Galfetti. It was built between 1991 and 1994 and, as a mixed-used project, includes shops, offices and housing. The facades are built in light grey panels in which dark grey granite cubes are inserted. They protrude on the surface of the cylindrical centre.
It is most commonly referred to as the Tour Galfetti or Galfetti tower.

Galfetti Tower, Lausanne

Galfetti Tower, Lausanne

Galfetti Tower, Lausanne

Galfetti Tower, Lausanne

Galfetti Tower, Lausanne

Galfetti Tower, Lausanne

Galfetti tower - Lausanne's largest keyhole

Galfetti Tower lookup on a cloudy day

Galfetti Tower lookup during the blue hour

Galfetti Tower lookup at night
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