Daitoku-ji, a prominent Zen Buddhist temple complex in Kyoto, was founded in 1319 by the monk Daito Kokushi. This sprawling temple complex with a size of more than 23 hectares, is one of fourteen autonomous branches of the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen.
roof details
roof details
The complex is celebrated for its stunning Zen gardens, which epitomize the minimalist beauty and meditative quality of Zen aesthetics. Among these, the gardens of Daisen-in and Ryogen-in are particularly famous, featuring meticulously raked gravel, artfully placed rocks, and lush greenery that together create a serene environment for contemplation.
rock garden
rock garden
rock garden
rock garden
The temple buildings themselves are masterpieces of traditional Japanese architecture, with their elegant wooden structures and tatami-mat interiors. Daitoku-ji's deep connections to influential historical figures, such as tea master Sen no Rikyū, further enrich its cultural legacy.
tatami-mat interior
tatami-mat interior
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