Das Gelbe Haus in the center of Films was built in 1870 and originally, as its name indicates, painted yellow. Its presence is completely changed since the 2 year long renovations that started in 1997.
Shortly before his death in 1995, Swiss architect Rudolf Olgiati donated part of his cultural goods collection to the municipality of Flims under the condition that the Yellow House (Das Gelbe Haus) in the middle of Flims was renovated to his taste and in particular "painted from top to bottom white". In 1997, his son, architect Valerio Olgiati was appointed for the renovation and transformed the building. The external plaster-work was removed up to the natural stone walls. It was then painted white inside out, including the brand new slab-stone roof.

exterior of the Gelbe Haus

Das Gelbe Haus - facade
All interior walls were removed in order to create large exhibition spaces.

upper floor exhibition room

upper floor exhibition room
The main pillar on the top floor is not centered but slightly angled under the roof, creating an almost abstract tree sculpture.

main pillar and roof
1999, it was awarded the Goldene Hase in architecture, a prize by Swiss magazine Hochparterre.
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