The parish church in Ernen was built between 1510 and 1518 to plans by Ulrich Ruffiner. It was renovated and remodeled by Antonio Croci in a Neo-gothic style between 1862 and 1865.


Pfarrkirche St. Georg
The vegetal decorative painting of the choir vault was carried out in 1518 by Hans Rischiner. The choir stalls were carved in 1666 by Georg Mattig and Hans Siegen. The high altar was created between 1758 and 1761 by Placy Schmid from Disentis.
The side altars were created around 1720 in the workshop of Anton Sigristen.

choir with decorative painting by Hans Rischiner

side altars by Anton Sigristen
The organ was built by Christopher Aebi between 1679 and 1680. Originally having 11 registers, it now features 13.

organ by Christopher Aebi
The sculpture of St. George fighting a dragon is from the first quarter of the 16th century. The Holy Helper Altar is from the last quarter of the 15th century while the baptismal font was created at the end of the 17th century.

St. Georg sculpture

Helper Altar

baptismal font
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