Kloster Disentis is a Benedictine monastery in Disentis that was founded around the year 700. Brother Caspar Moosbrugger from Einsiedeln was the architect of the baroque monastery complex that was built between 1683 and 1704. It faces southward over the valley. Its church was consecrated in 1712.

Disentis in the early morning light

Klosterkirche Disentis
Extensive renovations of the church were carried out at the beginning of the 20th century. The ceiling frescos are by Swiss painter Fritz Kunz and were part of these renovations. Among them are "Ursicin legt den Grundstein für das Kloster Disentis", "Der ermordete Placidus zeigt seinen Kopf Sigisbert" and "Wallfahrt der Bündner nach der Calvenschlacht".

Klosterkirche St. Martin

Klosterkirche St. Martin - frescos by Fritz Kunz
The paintings "Heaven" and "Hell" from the beginning of the 14th century were originally installed in the nearby Sogn Benedetg chapel before it was destroyed by an avalanche in 1984. Luckily they could be rescued and are now installed in the abbey. The Rosenkranztreppe (rosary staircase) contains a depiction of Knight Sebastian von Castelberg.

Paintings "Heaven" and "Hell"

Between 2011 and 2017, the monastery's guest area was expanded and now includes 40 guest cells, as well as catering facilities. This transformation was awarded the Prix Lignum 2018.

Kloster Disentis - guest area

Kloster Disentis - guest area

Kloster Disentis - guest area

Kloster Disentis - guest area

Kloster Disentis - guest area

Kloster Disentis courtyard
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