The  East Side Gallery memorial is an open-air gallery on the longest surviving section of the Berlin Wall.
In 1989, with the demise of the GDR, artist associations from both East and West Germany had met to discuss the creation of a new, common association and the plans for the East Side Gallery started here. In 1990, murals were painted by 118 artists from 21 countries on almost 1.3km of the former Berlin Wall, under the supervision of Christine MacLean, who not only allocated the different segments to the artists, but also helped to organize paints, buckets and ladders.
It is now a heritage-protected landmark and probably the largest and longest-lasting open-air gallery in the world. This also means, unfortunately, that many paintings were damaged by erosion, graffiti, and vandalism over time; luckily they were restored in 2009.
"Mein Gott hilf mir, diese tödliche Liebe zu überleben", Dimitri Vrubel
"Mein Gott hilf mir, diese tödliche Liebe zu überleben", Dimitri Vrubel
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"Alles offen | Wachsen lassen", Rosemarie Schinzler
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"Alles offen | Wachsen lassen", Rosemarie Schinzler
"Alles offen | Wachsen lassen", Rosemarie Schinzler
"ohne Titel - kopiert", Georg Lutz
"ohne Titel - kopiert", Georg Lutz
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"Es geschah im November", Kani Alavi
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"Du hast gelernt, was Freiheit heisst", André Sécrit
"Je me souviens", Pierre Paul Maillé
"Je me souviens", Pierre Paul Maillé
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